Renters Insurance Form

Dwelling Details

Year Built: Total Building Area (Sq. Ft.): (Not Including Basement)
Foundation Type:
If Basement: Finished Sq. Ft. Unfinished Sq. Ft.
Type of Construction: Other:
Type of Building:
Number of Units In Building: Other:
Style of Building (Not Incl. Basement):
Exterior Walls: Other:
Type of Heat/Air(Check All That Apply):
Building Updates (Year):
Does the Dwelling Contain The Following Protective Devices?
Sprinkler System:
Smoke Alarms:
Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
Dead Bolts:
Fire Extinguishers:
Central Station Alarm:
Does the Dwelling Contain Any of the Following Features?
Swimming Pool:
Wood Burner:
If Yes: Is it Fenced With a Locking Gate?
If Yes: How Many? Gas Wood Both
If Yes: How Many?
Any Other Outside Structures On The Property? If Yes: Please Describe
Policy Coverage and Underwriting Information
Are You Required To Provide Evidence of Renter’s Insurance?
If Yes: Please Provide Details for Owner:
Do You Have Any Pets? If Yes: Please List Breed:
Have you had any coverage declined, cancelled or non-renewed within the last three years?
Have you had any claims within the past five years? If Yes: Please Provide Details: